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发布时间:2019-05-15 15:04:42       来源: 12博BET官方网站       作者:       点击:

2019年5月10日上午,劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryLBNL)常春博士应邀来访并作题为“Two-Phase Displacement and Interfacial Interactions: A Case Study on Geological CO2 Sequestration”学术报告。本次报告由公司樊静丽副教授主持,公司部分师生总计20余人参与此次报告。



Dr. Chang is a Postdoctoral fellow in the Energy Geosciences Division at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). His primary research interests are experiment studies on reservoir processes and subsurface hydrology in porous and fractured media, including multiphase flow, phase dissolution and mass transfer, interfacial and wetting phenomena, carbon dioxide sequestration, shale gas & oil and geothermal energy production. At LBNL, He works on the pore-scale supercritical CO2-brine displacement, mass transfer and interfacial wetting effect under reservoir high pressure and high temperature conditions through 2D micromodels with fluorescent tracer dye and microscopy. He also works on fracture-matrix multiphase flow and mass transfer at the core scale with frequent CT imaging. His other interests include approaches to quantitatively describe and characterize permafrost core samples using multi-energy CT scanning.